It's been written that 90 percent of the animals on the endangered species list are birds. This is a fact that I don't find this that difficult to believe. I also believe that their pending extinctions should not be blamed entirely on mankind's intrusion into their habitats. Not exclusively. I believe quite the contrary, in fact. That the birds, themselves, should be blamed for their extinction. Both on them and evolution. In fact, the truth be known, human beings play a very minor role in their being endangered.
Throughout the ions of time, upon the extinction of their kind, many species have been able to adapt and conform to their new environments. For example, the Arctic Fish can live in freezing water, despite being a cold-blooded animal. While other fish would succumb to the freezing cold, these fish have an antifreeze type protein in their blood which prevents ice crystals to form in their blood. Mother Nature saw a way to survive and made it happen. The Sperm Whale and the Bar-Headed Goose are two more examples of adapting to their environment. Both creatures store a lot more oxygen in their blood than any other animal on the planet. The whale because it's need to dive to extraordinary depths for food. The goose because of it's flight pattern over the Himalayan Mountain Range, where there is minimal oxygen at those elevations. Or even more simply..., the dog and cat community simply said "F*ck it!" and moved in with us. Now who scoops their shit? (All a part of the grand scheme, me thinks...)
Throughout the ions of time, upon the extinction of their kind, many species have been able to adapt and conform to their new environments. For example, the Arctic Fish can live in freezing water, despite being a cold-blooded animal. While other fish would succumb to the freezing cold, these fish have an antifreeze type protein in their blood which prevents ice crystals to form in their blood. Mother Nature saw a way to survive and made it happen. The Sperm Whale and the Bar-Headed Goose are two more examples of adapting to their environment. Both creatures store a lot more oxygen in their blood than any other animal on the planet. The whale because it's need to dive to extraordinary depths for food. The goose because of it's flight pattern over the Himalayan Mountain Range, where there is minimal oxygen at those elevations. Or even more simply..., the dog and cat community simply said "F*ck it!" and moved in with us. Now who scoops their shit? (All a part of the grand scheme, me thinks...)
Ninety percent is a hell of a lot of birds facing elimination. Honestly, I don't really give a shit. Like I said, before. It is their own fault, or the fault of natural selection, rather than whether mankind wished to plot a grand highway through their forest homes. If they (birds) wished to oppose man's progress, they should lash out at us, and defend their habitat, but they won't, and you know why? No opposable thumbs.
If the ornithic realm evolved to the ability to form a fist, complete with opposable thumbs, they could then lash back at humanity. Sucker punch their human interlopers and fighting them back to submission. Or, failing that, move to the city and get a job, as they could now grasp basic tools, like a hammer or a spatula.Essentially, I'm saying that the responsibility lies on the avian community and not on humanity. There's a reason why it's called "natural selection". It's a case of piss or get off the pot. Make your own destiny, as was the theme of 1991's "Terminator 2: Judgement Day".
Concerning the above captioned Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) apparently has been lashing out at humankind. It's been recorded that approximately 75 to 85 percent of recorded attacks have been on humans, a majority of which have been giving chase, mind you, and about 15 percent kicking. In all cases, the attacks were provoked, instigated by humans infringing on their food sources or nesting area. Physical attacks usually include pushing, pecking, head-butting and even jumping upon their victims. Many of the physical interactions have resulted in the deaths of the human. A trait which this large bird shares only with the Ostrich, worldwide.
So kudos to the Cassowary for having the balls to, not only attack human beings, but kill the motherf*ckers, too! However, they are still on the endangered list. Being without fists or arms, for that matter, one can only expect to be so effective in any attack. It'd be like Alvin Law [] in a Mixed Martial Arts fight. He might get off a couple good strong kicks, sure, but in the end he's just going to get his ass kicked. Very much like the ass kicking the bird kingdom is receiving now.