Sunday, April 18, 2021

Horse In A Three-Piece Suit

 Last fall, my mom got her first "smart" phone.  She'd had a flip phone for years, struggling along as she does, but got pretty good at maneuvering her way around it's operation and use. Last fall, she finally replaced the aged technology, opting for Apple's iPhone.  Probably a terrible decision, as she hasn't the foggiest idea how to work it, often coming to me for help.  I hate Apple and can't figure out how it's technology makes any sense.  I have a strong and healthy dislike for Apple products, which is too lengthy and involved to discuss in this forum.  Suffice it to say, words in the English language can't describe how much disdain I possess for the Apple company.

So when my mother comes rushing to me, half in tears and in a deep-seated panic, most of the time I tell my mom to Google it.  I've remarked for years how one can find just about anything on Google.  Like the Land of Oz, Google is an amazing and wonderous place.

My friend D__ was telling me about his son, D_____, who is constantly bombarding him with questions about this and queries about that.  D_____ is a young man, entering the scary world of adulthood, so naturally he has a million-and-one questions.  His father, my friend, D__, told him to Google whatever he wants to know.  When told about this conversation, I responded with "Oh hell yeah.  You can literally find anything on Google.  Case and point:  A horse wearing a three piece suit.

Horse in a 3-piece suit.

Need I say more?

Man sits atop a horse
in a 3-piece suit.