Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Have No Right!

I have no right!  Try and try as I might, I just have no right.

This hasn't always been the case.  As a child, I had a right.  In my teens, I had a right, as well.  In recent years, however, I just don't seem have the right, anymore.  Most days, I don't even bother trying, the risk being too great.  Instead, I make alternative decisions.  Choose other directions and avenues, which sometimes results in some tasks take a little longer.  All because I no longer have a right.

Others who have a right.  I see them all the time.  Everywhere I look, taking their turns like it's nobody's business.  I barely phases me anymore, though, having grown accustomed to the plight of not having the right.  I've acclimated.  Although..?  On occasion, I still try.  And sometimes, I can even do it without incident.  Most times, though, I don't even bother trying.

It hasn't completely disappeared, though.  There is still a hint remaining.  A gentle reminder, a reminiscent that allows me to lean, sway, swagger, and even curve that way, but as far as darting to the right, it's just best that I don't even try.  The risk, as I said, is too great.

At night, when I enter my room, the bed is to my right, but I rarely just climb in.  Instead, I sidle up to it, turn almost completely around, to my left then climb in that way.  It is only in the morning, that I climb out to the right.  However, in recent weeks, that practice has even changed, and I climb out the opposite side of the bed, which still requires me then, to curve to the right at the foot of the bed.  So far, I've only crashed once or twice.

Today, though, I paid the price.  I was bringing my deck furniture out of my storage shed, to place on my deck.  Inside the shed, is very cramped and movement is limited.  I picked up one of the chairs and turned to my right, not thinking, and twisted the f*ck out of my knee.  At 4:30pm on March 31st, 2012, I definitely did not have the "right".

I've made peace with my limitations.  Where I falter in some areas, I more than make up in others.  Not to mention, my charm and charisma.  I may not have a right, anymore, but I'm still a helluva guy, and you can take that to the bank!

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