Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Welcome to the New Millenium

With the year being 2015, it would seem this salutation comes more than a decade too late, yet I found myself muttering these very words, no more than forty-five minutes ago.  I'd stopped off at the nearby pharmacy to pick up a lottery ticket and some much needed potato chips, in hopes of quashing some cravings I've endured the last couple of days.  I hadn't been in line for more than a few seconds, when I overheard an outburst from the gentleman standing behind me.  

Turning around to see what all the commotion was about, I noticed the older looking fellow, clutching a few groceries in his left arm, while his right was busy motioning all around.  There was no one nearby, yet he seemed to be forcefully addressing someone.  The open air, perhaps.  I haven't the foggiest idea what set him off, but he was quite adamant and passionate about the words spilling from his mouth.  "Men looking like women!  And women acting like men!" seemed to be all he was saying.  Repeatedly, he uttered these words, growing louder and louder with every breath.  "Men looking like women!  And women acting like men!" he repeated, short of chanting.

With a look of confusion painted all across my face, I met his gaze and asked a single word question, "What?!?"

He paused for a moment, staring back at me with a befuddled gaze, then whispered to me.  "What's this world coming to?" he croaked, never averting his devilish glare.  Time seemed to pause for a moment, all activity around me disappearing into a virtual fog, then almost as quickly as it'd stopped, reality rushed back into the light, like a river bursting through a broken levy.  The crazed man recommenced his rant, "Men looking like women!  And women acting like men!"

He continued to rave on, despite exchanged money with the cashier to my right, as I paid for my goods on the left.  I thought quietly to myself, the conversation that would take place, if I had the time to address his properly, and if I actually gave a shit.

I'd begin by saying:  Men & women have been acting like one another since the turn of the new millennium.  Hell, they've exchanged gender roles since before that even.  The 80's had Boy George looking and acting like a woman.  Dee Snider, even dressed the part, albeit he was an ugly-ass woman, as he fronted his band, Twisted Sister.  The gender lines were blurred even before that.  In the seventies and maybe even the sixties.  Unless you've been in a coma for all these many many years, you should have noticed some of this shit going on around you.  You weren't actually in a coma, were you?  If that's the case...


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