Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ice Ice Baby

For quite a few months now, I've been witnessing people, mostly celebrities, committing the ridiculous act of torture by dumping ice cold water on themselves, then challenging others to commit the same asinine act on themselves.  I never understood why.  Then again, people are notorious, celebrities especially, for doing stupid shit.  Just look at Justin Bieber.

Of course, nobody was stating WHY they're doing it.  Thank god for Google.  Without Google, I'd be totally f*cked.  I can't remember what I did ten years ago.  Living in caveman days....

According to Google, the Ice Bucket Challenge is supposed to bring attention to the disease, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.  Never knew that until I read it on Google, so EPIC FAIL in that regard.

The story also explained that those who participate in the challenge, donate $10 to the cause, dump the ice water on themselves and challenge three others to do the same.  Apparently, dumping ice water on yourself is quite painful.  I wouldn't know.  I don't do stupid shit like that.  The closest I ever came to it was falling through some ice on a frozen dugout a few years ago (long story).  So I'm no stranger to what ice cold water feels like against your skin, but it's not something I'm going to re-enact, charity or no charity. 

Three people are challenged to dump ice water on themselves, post a video and challenge others to do the challenge.  Those who fail to perform the challenge within a twenty-four hour period, are supposed to donate $100.  This seems to make more sense than dumping water on yourself.

Those who choose not to do the challenge, I've read on my Twitter (@ToontownJuggalo), seem to be labeled cowardly, despite the fact that they're donating the larger sum of money.  Actor/comedian Chris D'Elia chose to donate rather than look like a f*cking idiot dumping water on themselves, but got called out by his "supposed" fans.  I completely understand his logic, as do I totally respect Charlie Sheen who video'd himself dumping $10,000 cash on himself.  Charlie and Chris both get the f*cking idea.  I would hope that the celebrities who have uploaded videos of themselves dumping water on themselves are donating more than a measly ten bucks towards the charity, except maybe Bieber.  He seems like a cheap-ass little prick.

What's ironic is the fact that so many cities, counties, states, and countries are complaining of water shortages, meanwhile people are dumping gallons upon gallons of water on themselves.  This doesn't impress me.  If the celebrities want to boast their charitable natures by doing stupid shit, lets see some videos of you slamming your fingers in car doors.  Now THAT's  a charity I'd pitch in for.

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